technological innovation

Large power transformers Mechanical Establishment Online Perception and Diagnostic Key Technology and Application win the First Prize of Power Technology Innovation Award in 2022

       Few days ago, Xi Electric often participated in the "Large Power Transformer Mechanical Estability Online Perception and Diagnosis Key Technology and Application" technology project led by the State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Science Research Institute. Innovation award first prize.新闻3.jpg


        This project focuses on the diagnosis of mechanical loss of stability, and has established a technical system for "Online monitoring timely early warning-precision diagnosis of power outage detection-full life cycle multi-dimensional evaluation". A number of key core technologies have reached the international leading level and obtained in the online monitoring field of ultra-high-voltage power equipment. A breakthrough of major technological innovation. The perception diagnostic series device realizes the localization of advanced foreign technologies, and improves the level of mechanical defects in the transport device. In 15 provinces including Zhejiang, Anhui, 1219 sets of standardized applications, the market share exceeds 90%, which guarantees the high -voltage pressure Anhui Electric Major projects such as East Delivery and Yushan Petrochemical operate safely.


         The results were authorized to have 36 patents (2 U.S. patents), 48 papers (SCI/EI 30 articles), 3 monographs, formulated 2 group standards, and 1 international standard IEEE international standard. The Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering believes that "the transformer mechanical disappearance of online warning, precise diagnosis and dynamic assessment are original, and the overall level of international leadership is reached."